From the very start of Cedar Hill Homestead, we have both had the desire, and seen the urgent need of incorporating giving back into our business.
From the very start of Cedar Hill Homestead, we have both had the desire, and seen the urgent need of incorporating giving back into our business.

As I acknowledge the land that I learn from that allows me to steward & teach, I invite you to do the same. And when looking to see whose land you are on & the original name(s) of that territory, please also look to see which groups still inhabit that land today. It is important when starting conversations around Native American history, that we also refer to Native people today & how the history we talk about was only the start of ongoing cultural genocide. It is with immense gratitude, I honor the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Muscogee, Choctaw & Shawnee people who first stewarded the territory that I do today.
Their ways continue to inspire my lifelong commitment to learning to be a better land & people steward. It is my commitment to myself, & to the land, to continue learning how to decenter myself & ways of thinking so that I may become an integral part of my surroundings.
We see our part in both our local and regional economy, and strive to continue expanding our impact. We do this by hiring locally, paying above fair wages, taking on apprentices, offering free & sliding scale classes and by simply putting money back into the hands of the people.
We see our part in both our local and regional economy, and strive to continue expanding our impact. We do this by hiring locally, paying above fair wages, taking on apprentices, offering free & sliding scale classes and by simply putting money back into the hands of the people.
As well as good buying and hiring practices, we donate at least 1% of all sales to different organizations and individuals, prioritizing BIPOC and southern organizations always. We have limited the percentage we donate in sales because we also make product contributions for our local community in need as well as care packages to folks affected by devastation.

As well as good buying and hiring practices, we donate at least 1% of all sales to different organizations and individuals, prioritizing BIPOC and southern organizations always. We have limited the percentage we donate in sales because we also make product contributions for our local community in need as well as care packages to folks affected by devastation.

We do not see reparations as charitable. They are acknowledgement that we continue to benefit from a system that puts others down. It is simply the humanitarian thing to recognize this, & do what you can. “No one is free, until everyone is free”. If you need a place to start, check out our Resource Guide here. I am a forever student & will never be a "teacher" in this realm. I look to BIPOC to hear their stories as told by them for direct guidance & am simply putting resources that have influenced me the most in one place for folks to have access to.