Cold & Flu Zine 2023

Updated Cold & Flu care zine. I really love the cover page on this. Its wisdom I take into each year.

Cold & Flu Zine 2023

Updated Cold & Flu care zine. I really love the cover page on this. Its wisdom I take into each year.

The Best Darn Ginger Chews!

It is the time for ginger!!! Ginger, like Elderberry has been extensively researched and proven to both stop colds and flus in their tracks and shorten the duration.

The Best Darn Ginger Chews!

It is the time for ginger!!! Ginger, like Elderberry has been extensively researched and proven to both stop colds and flus in their tracks and shorten the duration.

I Will Post This Until It Changes Everyone's Life

I know this is the kind of recipe people scroll by, but you have to hear me out. I used this recipe a TON before and once I became a homeowner...

I Will Post This Until It Changes Everyone's Life

I know this is the kind of recipe people scroll by, but you have to hear me out. I used this recipe a TON before and once I became a homeowner...

Making Maple Syrup!

Just figured I’d reshare this video from last year since it’s that season again! 

Making Maple Syrup!

Just figured I’d reshare this video from last year since it’s that season again! 

All About Vinegars Zine!

Hey folks I’m going to be posting a new switchel recipe here soon but wanted to re-share this awesome zine from Lost Skills Workshops from 2020, All About Vinegars.

All About Vinegars Zine!

Hey folks I’m going to be posting a new switchel recipe here soon but wanted to re-share this awesome zine from Lost Skills Workshops from 2020, All About Vinegars.

Making Maple Syrup!

It's time! Go now and make your own Maple Syrup!

Making Maple Syrup!

It's time! Go now and make your own Maple Syrup!